The doctor has passed on the good news. You are pregnant and you are soon going to welcome a new member into your family. Well, so what have you planned for the future? Will it be a boy or a girl? What clothes are you going to beautify your baby with? What kind of furniture will you be picking? After all, you have a new nursery to prepare and deck up for the new joy that is soon to arrive. Your nine months of pregnancy will fly soon and in no time, you will have the joy right in your arms. With lots of preparation to make, you cannot keep pending purchasing baby furniture for the last moment. For it is illogical to think about going shopping for the furniture during your last trimester of your pregnancy. Your baby will then be your priority and not shopping. So, to keep up with all the preparations in time, it is best to start jotting down every piece of furniture and accessories you would require for your newborn’s nursery. Besides, you should be extra cautious while selecting baby nursery furniture for it should provide maximum comfort without cramping the room. As such, it is better for the to-be parents to plan the baby nursery as soon as they come to know about the new bundle of joy, soon to arrive, giving themselves ample time to pick up the best-of-the-best stuff. Read the following lines that give you some wonderful tips on buying furniture to adorn your baby’s nursery.

Image Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5bw3jvoTDk
Buying Baby Furniture
Nothing is better than a traditional cradle to gift some sound and peaceful sleep to your baby. Rock them or swing them, cradles are one of the most significant and common pieces of furniture found in every house with babies. They make comfortable furniture piece for babies until the little one turns six months. But they cannot be used once your baby learns to sit, kneel, or pull itself into an upright position.
Bassinets & Moses Baskets
While a Moses basket is a woven basket with handles, a bassinet is a plastic woven basket with a stand. Though you do not necessarily have to buy them, but they surely make your life easier. They are portable and hence, can be carried between rooms and fitted into your own bedroom as well, especially if you want your baby to sleep with you during its early days. Both Moses baskets and bassinets make ideal furniture for babies up to 3-4 months, or until they become mobile.
Cribs can be utilized since childbirth until they turn a year or two old. Depending upon your requirements and space available in the nursery, you have a plethora of cribs to choose from. With a drop-side crib, you can cradle your baby with one hand while lowering or raising the side with the other hand. Similarly, you have cribs with adjustable-height mattress base which allow you to adjust the height according to your needs. The highest setting is generally for a newborn and with time, you can lower the height of the mattress to prevent the baby from climbing or falling over the crib. Crib with castors, convertible or stage cribs, and travel cribs are other alternatives to choose from.
Changing Tables
A changing table is not a necessity but it can be highly useful for changing your baby’s diaper or clothing. Even though you can perform these tasks without a changing table, the furniture serves as a specific area for storing diapers and diaper products, apart from easily positioning and changing your baby diaper. These storage units have separate storage area for diapers, wipes, and creams. Furthermore, you even have changing tables that have a chest of drawers for more storage facilities. This furniture comes handy when you have had a caesarean and have trouble in sitting and bending post delivery.
Feeding a baby, right from its birth, is one of the most difficult tasks to perform for a mother, especially if the baby is fidgety and hyper-active. Highchairs let you accomplish this task with ease until your baby turns comfortable in a booster seat. Turn your life easier and infuse some fun for your baby with a highchair. With a highchair, you can secure your baby with a harness, letting you to concentrate on the feeding part. Besides, it will give feelings of independency to your baby while enjoying meals amongst family members.
Baby Bathtub
Bath time can be extremely enjoyable and blissful for both infants and their parents. To make the experience even more pleasant, you can have a bathtub designed specifically for babies. Seat them comfortably in the bathtub and see them play with the soapy water, soap bubbles, and bath toys. Plus, there are even bathtubs that can be folded up when not required; thus, allowing you to save space considerably. However, do not leave your baby unattended while in the bath.
Remember, your baby won’t be an infant forever. While you would be using an armoire to store your baby’s clothes and toys while it is still an infant, it can reach for its own clothes, once it turns into a young child. There are wonderful and fascinating armoires available in the market ranging from traditional wooden designs to hand painted motifs to fun curvaceous designs. Select one that has a low hanging rail, allowing your child to reach for his clothes with ease, and one with drawers below for easy access to things required more often. See your baby transform from a baby to an infant to a child with a well-designed armoire.
By choosing the right kind and amount of furniture from above, turn your baby nursery into a precious and memorable place to dwell, just like your precious little baby.