Amongst all the essential requirements and accessories that you would be buying for your baby, a stroller is one of the most significant purchases to make, for it would undergo some really excessive workout during the initial growing years of your baby. As such, you need to search for a stroller which is safe and comfortable for both you and your child. The stroller that you select should be easy to open, close, maneuver, store, and should stand against daily rough usage. Over time, strollers have gained immense popularity and so have their types. With so many strollers for choice in the market, picking the right and best one seems to be a difficult task. For, while a perfect stroller can be your best friend and offer highest performance and comfortable levels for your baby, any incorrect choice can result in trouble and inconvenience. So, if you wish to invest your money in buying the right stroller, contemplate certain factors to find the one that best suits you and your baby's needs. The following tips will help you in choosing the best set of wheels for your baby.

Image Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAIXvAjLOQk
Things to Consider While Buying a Stroller
The stroller which you pick up should bear a frame that is powerful and stable enough to carry the weight of your baby and some shopping bags, if required. Make sure that the stroller possesses excellent safety mechanisms so that it does not collapse by itself nor does it roll down the hill, if the brakes do not function. Even though most modern strollers have all the requisite safety requirements, but confirm from the dealer, before finalizing. In case you are planning to use the stroller even after your baby grows older and larger, choose a large-sized stroller.
Big or Small
If you are planning to carry the stroller with you frequently, it should be large enough to fit in the trunk of the car. Thus, when you select a stroller, bear in mind about the size of the trunk of the car, room available inside the back of the car, or whether it can be hooked to the rear of the vehicle or not. For the long run, getting a foldable stroller is the best struck deal. However, make sure that the stroller is not too tough to fold; else you might have to spend a considerable time performing the folding job before actually taking your baby for a ride. Before you finalize any stroller, check out some models which are straightforward and efficient to fold, and ask the dealer to show you how to make it handy.
Traditional prams, three-in-one strollers, and travel systems are highly comfortable, but are excessively heavy and difficult to carry around. Conversely, lightweight strollers are portable and handy to be transported to the markets or malls with ease and convenience. However, they aren’t comfortable for the baby, particularly newborns. Newborns require a lie-flat setting and comfortable padded seat, which can be fulfilled by very few strollers.
Your Lifestyle
Before you firm your hands on a stroller, there are certain questions which you should consider asking, regarding your lifestyle and long term plans. Do you plan to buy an expensive buggy and use it for more than one baby? Or would you rather buy an inexpensive stroller and replace it when your family grows? Which one do you use more frequently - public transport or your personal car? A lightweight stroller, which can be easily folded and carried with one hand, should be selected if you use public transport. For the car, your stroller must fit in the car boot easily and leave enough space for other shopping bags.
Frame Material
Strollers available today in the market are made of different materials, namely, plastic, aluminum, steel, or even a combination of materials. Although strollers made from steel or aluminum are long-lasting, but they add on a lot of extra weight. Lightweight strollers, on the other hand, made of plastic are easy to transport places but they may not last long.
Adjustable Seat and Canopy
Infants, who are very young and cannot support their hands, require adjustable seats to seat them comfortably. For this purpose, you should choose a stroller with an adjustable seat which can fully recline. Such a stroller is also comfortable for infants who wish to take a nap. Plus, an adjustable canopy serves as an added feature which can be used for protecting the baby from sun, wind, rain or cold.
Extra Accessories
Depending upon your usage of the stroller, you may want some added features in your stroller. A basket under the stroller can be really useful, as you can store extra diapers for your baby, and pull out one, when required. Similarly, two cup holders, one on each side, can help keep the bottles safe and handy. You may also ensure that the mattress of the stroller is nice and comfortable, to help your infant retire back into sweet and peaceful dreams. Most mattresses found in strollers are of low quality and hence, should not be used for small children. You can either get another mattress or pay some extra greens to get a better quality mattress.
It is best to do your research, find the answers to the above listed factors, and try some strollers, before you finally buy one.